Audio Dharma Archive
Dharma talks by our teachers, Misha Merrill and Jill Kaplan, will appear on this website. Occasionally, talks by other teachers may also be listed.
Pamela Nenzen Brown 9/16/24 Signs On The Way
Jill Kaplan 8/19/24 Apamada: Strive with Earnestness
Misha Merrill 8/12/24 Blue Mountain White-Cloud
Jill Kaplan 7/29/24 Dogen’s Receptive Samadhi
Misha Merrill 7/15/24 Buddha and Politics
Diane Rizzetto 6/17/24 The Purpose of Practice
Misha Merrill 5/20/24 Problems and Decisions
Misha Merrill 4/22/24 Mind Training Through Observation
Kat Haimson 3/25/24 Trip to Asia
Jill Kaplan 3/11/24 Honoring Women Ancestors
Misha Merrill 2/26/24 This Being Human is a Guesthouse
Jill Kaplan 2/12/24 Bodhisattvas Everywhere
Jill Kaplan 1/29/24 Ritual
Misha Merrill 1/22/24 Why Do You Practice?
Tova Green 12/11/23 Ritual and Ceremony: Connection and Support
Misha Merrill 11/27/23 Zen 101: The Fundamental Tenets of Zen
Camille Spar 11/20/23 Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago
Jill Kaplan 10/23/23 Giving Space to Sorrow
Misha Merrill 10/16/23 Five Recollections
Jill Kaplan 10/9/23 D.T. Suzuki: Who.Is.Asking the Question?
Misha Merrill 9/11/23 Enjoying Serenity: Third Awakening of Great Beings
Misha Merrill 8/14/23 Purpose of Vow in Practice
Jill Kaplan 7/31/23 Refuge, Repentance, Vow: Part 2
Misha Merrill 7/17/23 Jizo Bodhisattva: Part2
Jill Kaplan 6/26/23 Refuge, Repentance, Vow: Part 1
Misha Merrill 6/20/23 Jizo Bodhisattva: Part1
Sylvia Hawley 5/8/23 Becoming A Monk.
Jill Kaplan 4/24/23 Kind Speech: Bodhisattva’s Guidance
Misha Merrill 4/17/23 Impermanence
Misha Merrill 3/20/23 Impermanence: Already Broken.
Jill Kaplan 3/6/23 Generosity: Bodhisattva’s Guidance
Kathleen Dickey 2/27/23 Causes and Conditions
Jill Kaplan 1/30/23 The Bodhisattva Archetype
Misha Merrill 1/23/23 The Four Noble Truths
Jill Kaplan 12/12/22 Honoring Suzuki Roshi
Misha Merrill 11/21/22 The Heart That Does Not Move
Jill Kaplan 11/14/22 Gratitude: Thanksgiving Address
Jill Kaplan 10/17/22 Questions
Misha Merrill 10/10/22 Aloha Buddhism
Jill Kaplan 10/03/22 Each Stitch Is Spewing Flames
Victoria Austin 9/19/22 Return to Sangha Face to Face Side by Side
Misha Merrill 8/29/22 Guidelines for Studying the Way Part 5
Tova Green 8/15/22 Finding Composure in Uncertain Times
Jill Kaplan 7/25/22 Alive or Dead
Beth Goldring 7/18/22 Practice in Cambodia
Misha Merrill 7/11/11 The Buddha and the Buoy: Mental Amulets
Jill Kaplan 6/27/22 The Affirming Mind Naturally Accords
Misha Merrill 6/20/22 Guidelines for Studying the Way Part 4
Jill Kaplan 5/23/22 Dongshan’s Bad Habits
Richard Moss 5/16/22 Source of Self
Jill Kaplan 4/26/22 Intimacy
Misha Merrill 4/12/22 Guidelines for Studying the Way Part 3
Kathleen Dickey 4/5/22 Taking Refuge In Ourselves
Jill Kaplan 3/28/22 Now You Have It
Misha Merrill 3/21/22 Guidelines for Studying the Way Part 2
Misha Merrill 2/28/22 Dogen’s Guidelines for Studying the Way
Jill Kaplan 2/14/22 Dongshan’s Mirror
Jill Kaplan 1/31/22 Songs of Enlightenment
Misha Merrill 1/24/22 Empty-of-What
Chris Fortin 11/15/21 The Bottom Falls Out of the Bucket
Misha Merrill 11/08/21 A Day Without Work is a Day Without Food
Jill Kaplan 10/18/21 One Prayer
Diane Rizzetto 10/9/21 Deep Hope
Jill Kaplan 8/16/21 True Power
Sylvia Hawley 7/26/21 Everyday Life
Misha Merrill 7/19/21 Pilgrimage
Jill Kaplan 7/12/21 Faith
Kathleen Dickey 7/5/21 Wholesome Practice Diligent Effort
Misha Merrill 6/14/21 3 Zen Practices During Covid
Jim Little 5/24/21 Can/Should We Compare Suffering
Jill Kaplan 4/5/21 Compassion is Inclusive
Jill Kaplan 3/21/21 Deshan’s Faith, Tealady Wisdom
Misha Merrill 3/8/21 No Evil Is Done
Jill Kaplan 2/22/21 Practice Opportunity
Jill Kaplan 1/26/21 Not-Knowing_Before_Good and Evil
Misha Merrill 1/11/21 Welcome Difficulty
Misha Merrill 9/29/20 m
Jill Kaplan 9/21/20 Engagement with Zen
Misha Merrill 9/14/20 Pure Silk Sharp Iron Commentary
Jill Kaplan 8/24/20 Everything is Burning
Jill Kaplan 8/4/20 Forced Retreat
Misha Merrill 7/27/20 Character and Effort in Practice
Jill Kaplan 7/20/20 Great Circle of the Way
Misha Merrill 7/13/20 Fourth Principle of Tea: Tranquility
Jill Kaplan 6/30/20 Bodhisattva Action Imperfect Action
Misha Merrill 6/23/20 Hope is a Choice
Jill Kaplan 6/16/20 Breath
Jill Kaplan 5/19/20 Forgiveness Practice
Misha Merrill 5/12/20 The Guest House
Jill Kaplan 4/28/20 Planetary Crossroads
Misha Merrill 4/7/20 Iris Mind in COVID Time
Jill Kaplan 3/30/20 Not Knowing Is Most Intimate
Jill Kaplan 2/10/20 The Buddha Is Neutral
Misha Merrill 1/27/20 Wake Up Life is Swiftly Passing